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A Refrigerant Leak FAQ: What They Are, and How to Detect Them

Refrigerant leaks are no joke. They can cause your air conditioner to deteriorate over time, limiting its lifespan, efficiency, and even go as far as to cause a breakdown when you’re not watching. This is one of the reasons why we try to educate our customers on the signs of a refrigerant leak. The earlier you detect this problem, the less likely it is to negatively affect you.

The truth is that even minor things can cause a refrigerant leak, like pest issues or a bad storm. These kinds of things happen, but a homeowner who can quickly detect the signs of leaking refrigerant can avoid some of the worst AC repairs in Edmonton imaginable.

Follow along with our refrigerant leak FAQ to learn more about refrigerant and how to detect leaks.

Common Refrigerant Questions

Here are some of the most common questions we get from homeowners who are worried about their HVAC system’s refrigerant levels.

Can I Run Out of Refrigerant?

Yes. While an air conditioner is installed with enough refrigerant to last its potential lifespan. But if it springs a leak, then it absolutely can run out of refrigerant. Make sure you stay vigilant to detect the signs of a leaking system so you can get it patched and recharged quickly.

Is Refrigerant Dangerous?

No, but it can be when it leaks. Refrigerant is non-toxic but it’s also extremely dense, and in some cases can push oxygen out of your living spaces which can lead to suffocation. These instances are rare but they can happen, so it’s important to detect the signs of leaking refrigerant. Also, if your air has a chloroform-like sweet scent then you might be breathing in refrigerant.

What Noise Does Refrigerant Make When It Leaks?

When refrigerant leaks, it can make a bubbling or hissing sound that can be easy to notice for most homeowners with home air conditioning. The hissing sound is the gaseous refrigerant leaving the line of your air conditioner, while the bubbling sound is usually oxygen bubbles that have formed after air has leaked into the unit.

How Else Can I Detect a Refrigerant Leak?

Aside from the bubbling and hissing sounds, there are other ways to detect a refrigerant leak.

  • Poor efficiency. With less than optimal refrigerant levels, an air conditioner will run more frequently, stressing components out and consuming more electricity which will show up on your energy bill.
  • Uncomfortable temperatures. If your house isn’t as comfortable as you’d like it to be, then it might be due to a refrigerant leak.
  • Short cycling. If your air conditioner is running in short, frequent cycles, then it could be due to a refrigerant leak. Less refrigerant causes the system to run more often when trying to compensate.

What Can I Do If I Detect a Refrigerant Leak?

Unfortunately, there’s not much that a single homeowners can do to diagnose or repair a refrigerant leak. Luckily, that’s our specialty! Call our team and let us know about the symptoms you’re experiencing.

Schedule AC repair with WeatherMakers Heating, Cooling & Plumbing. Ensuring Your Comfort… For Life!

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