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The Unique Pros and Cons of Ductless HVAC

Ductless HVAC has entered our lexicon as a new way of dealing with heating and cooling. For instance, we still see old ducted systems in movies and TV shows, even though a growing percentage of the population is starting to rely on ductless mini splits which will soon be just as common.

The truth is that not enough people are familiar with these systems enough to be comfortable seeing them often. Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, it’s time to change things up!

We’re going to discuss the unique pros and cons of ductless cooling in Edmonton, AB so that our customers in particular can be more familiar with these systems. They’ll feel less foreign and you’ll even be able to spot them at someone else’s house when you come into contact with them.

The Pros of Ductless Cooling

Ductless HVAC systems have some pretty remarkable advantages. As we break these down remember that they heavily depend on the way your home is formatted and your unique comfort preferences. But we promise you won’t be disappointed.

  • Exceptional efficiency. Did you know that a substantial amount of wasted heating or cooling comes from your ductwork? An HVAC system is never going to be 100% efficient when it has to send that air through ducts. Those ducts can leak even through tiny holes that are impossible to detect with the naked eye. Luckily, ductless systems avoid that fate and have superior efficiency rates because of it.
  • Convenient operation. Put these air handlers in rooms where they’re most conveniently accessed for a strategic approach to home comfort.
  • Spectacular temperature control. Are you constantly fighting over the thermostat in your house? Each air handler in a ductless system can have a different temperature threshold.
  • They work even when they don’t. When one air handler breaks down, the others will continue to work while you get that one fixed up. This is a unique benefit to these systems.
  • Minimal installation upkeep. Don’t get us wrong, you should still hire a professional technician to install your ductless heat pump. The outdoor unit needs to be properly connected to the indoor air handlers. But you don’t need to worry about an extensive installation of ductwork, which can cut down the set-up time considerably.

The Cons of Ductless Cooling

In trying to be as fair as possible, we’d like to present some downsides so customers are aware of them if they decide to purchase these systems.

  • They’re more expensive. Ductless mini splits are more expensive to install than other conventional heating or cooling systems. Their efficiency is usually worth the cost, but that high initial investment can be a dealbreaker for some homeowners on a budget.
  • They can turn a heating or cooling system obsolete. If you’re only replacing your air conditioner or heater, they might be a waste. These systems are heat pumps, which means they both heat and cool your home. Replacing only one system might render the other obsolete and waste the money you spent on that unit.
  • They rely on electricity. If electricity prices are high in your neighborhood, you might end up paying more to run this system than a gas furnace during the winter. But when it comes to air conditioners, this point doesn’t matter as much.

Schedule a consultation with WeatherMakers Heating, Cooling & Plumbing to see if a ductless system is right for you. Ensuring your comfort… For life!

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