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Deciding to Go Ductless: Pros and Cons

Ductless air conditioning and heating systems represent a new way of thinking about comfort. They don’t use air ducts, as the name implies, and they run at peak efficiency levels that customers are just now discovering, which means they can save big on their energy bills.

Ductless systems have a ton of unique advantages and reasons for an initial purchase. But they’re not a one-size-fits-all solution for everyone. For reasons that we’ll get into below, a ductless HVAC system in Edmonton, AB is only going to be good for certain customers, and a more conventional system like a ducted heat pump or a central air conditioner might be a better choice for others.

How do you know which category you fit into? Let’s figure it out together!

The Pros of a Ductless System

Let’s start with the best part. If you’ve done even a little bit of research on ductless systems and think they might be perfect for your home, then you’ll be excited to hear about some of these perks they offer.

  • No ducts, no problems. As we mentioned earlier, ductless HVAC systems don’t need ducts. This is a big deal since smaller homes usually don’t have room for ducts, and duct installation can be expensive on its own.
  • Superb efficiency. Since ductless systems don’t use air ducts, they don’t risk leaking any air, which means 100% of the treated air ends up right where you can feel it. This maximizes their efficiency and makes them cost less over time.
  • Customized comfort. Each air handler can be set to a different temperature threshold, meaning your bedroom can be a different temperature than your kitchen or living room.
  • Heat pump technology. Since they’re heat pumps, ductless systems can function as cooling and heating units, giving you year-round comfort.
  • They continue to work when there’s a problem. When one air handler breaks down, you can rest assured knowing that the others will continue to work while you get that one fixed.

The Cons of a Ductless System

Unfortunately, there are a few drawbacks to a ductless system. But the good news is that there are other HVAC systems that can solve these problems easily.

  • Higher investment cost. Ductless systems do end up costing more to install than other conventional heating or cooling systems, like central air conditioners or furnaces. But this takes into account the fact that they are two systems in one.
  • They have a particular aesthetic. Some people just don’t like the look of air handlers mounted on the wall or ceiling.
  • They require consistent maintenance. Ductless heat pumps require maintenance twice a year in order to remain as efficient as they should be.
  • Electricity prices can affect monthly costs. If electricity is expensive where you live, then it could cost more to run per month. But this is true for any air conditioning system.

Making the Right Call

Our team can work with you to ensure that your home gets the perfect solution you’re happy with. Don’t stress out trying to make the right call, call Weathermakers instead.

Schedule an appointment with WeatherMakers Heating, Cooling & Plumbing. Ensuring Your Comfort… For Life!

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