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Weathermakers Tips: It’s Not Too Late for Maintenance!

Maintenance is usually a topic we reserve for springtime when temperatures are mild and our schedules are wide open. Now, we’re dealing with heatwave after heatwave and customers calling our hotline on a daily basis. But we think it’s important that we relay one important fact to our customers–it’s never too late for maintenance.

It’s true! Whether your central air conditioner missed one maintenance appointment or has never been maintained before, we promise that this service can be important right now. Sure, it might be a bit trickier to pencil you into our busy schedule, but we can make it work.

Keep reading to learn why AC maintenance in Edmonton, AB is valuable even during the hottest months of the summer.

Maintenance Requires Consistency

We want to level with you for a moment. Air conditioning maintenance is important, but it’s not something that’s incredibly time-sensitive. Compared to AC repairs, which need to be done very quickly to address a budding problem inside of your system, air conditioning maintenance is something that requires consistency.

When you hear the word consistency, what do you think of? Do you think of going to the gym or getting your car’s oil changed? These are things that need to be done on a regular basis, but it doesn’t really matter what season you do them. AC maintenance fits in that category. It’s vital for your AC’s health and your home comfort, but it can be done in spring, summer, fall, and even winter!

It Doesn’t Matter the Season

Notice how we said AC maintenance can be done in winter? It’s true! It’s never too late to invest in AC maintenance.

So, if you’ve skipped out on maintenance this year, we’d urge you to set up an appointment with our team of professionals ASAP. Even if it’s in a month when the heatwaves die down, at least you’ll have a visit on the books so you can rest easy.

Avoid Repairs and Get Peace of Mind

One of the best reasons to invest in maintenance is to avoid repairs. If you’re concerned about your air conditioner to the point where it’s stressing you out, then maintenance is going to be your best friend.

This isn’t a strange occurrence, it happens all the time. In particularly hot summers with routine heatwaves, customers can truly understand how much their AC systems keep them comfortable and sane on a regular basis. If something were to happen to this constant stream of cooling, your life might be dramatically halted. AC maintenance helps to stop repairs from popping up unexpectedly, giving an AC technician access to your system to make sure it’s in good shape.

There’s another benefit you get from this kind of routine service–peace of mind. Sleep easier, be more relaxed, and relieve stress by knowing that your AC is in good hands, even when it doesn’t need to be repaired.

Schedule an appointment with WeatherMakers Heating, Cooling & Plumbing. Ensuring Your Comfort… For Life!

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