WeatherMakers Heating, Cooling & Plumbing Blog: Archive for the ‘Plumbing’ Category

Our Light Commercial HVAC & Plumbing Services

Monday, July 31st, 2023

Did you know that WeatherMakers Comfort Ltd. has been providing light commercial HVAC & plumbing services to clients in the Edmonton area for over 65 years now?

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How To Clear Slow and Clogged Drains

Tuesday, November 26th, 2019

DIY and Professional Plumber Solutions

You know the signs–you find yourself standing in an inch of water during your morning shower. Or you bend down to rinse your toothbrush and get a sniff of musty leaf from the sink? Yes, it sounds like you have a clogged drain. Better to deal with it the moment you notice it, and the earlier you deal with it, the more options you have.

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What Do I Need to Know About Hard Water?

Monday, November 18th, 2019

How Do I Keep My Appliances and Pipes Clear of Limescale?

Hard water. We know the Edmonton area has it, but what is it and do we need to be concerned?

In short, hard water is water that has a higher than average amount of dissolved minerals. In our area, that’s mostly calcium and magnesium. The calcium and magnesium are not harmful to people or pets, but hard water can have annoying side effects and require some action on your part.

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What Is a Tankless Water Heater?

Wednesday, November 6th, 2019

Tankless water heaters provide instant hot water, and so are known as demand, on-demand, or instantaneous water heaters. They’ve become a popular alternative to traditional hot water heaters that both heat and store water for later use. Tankless heaters don’t store any water–the water flows through as you need it.

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