WeatherMakers Heating, Cooling & Plumbing Blog: Posts Tagged ‘furnace filter’

How to Change a Furnace Filter

Monday, October 28th, 2019

One of the chores that sits atop every homeowner’s To-Do List is “Change Furnace Filter.” If you’re a new homeowner or new to a home with a forced-air furnace, you might not know how to change the filter, and most likely, you don’t see why you have to do it so often. Without a doubt, furnace filters need to be replaced regularly–monthly to every couple months–depending on the furnace you have and the type of filter you prefer. Changing your filter will keep your furnace running at peak efficiency and will help keep excess dust and pollutants from entering your home.

Follow these steps, and you’ll keep your furnace happy all season long. Not sure you’re comfy going under the hood of your furnace? Learn more about furnaces here.

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